Lagom. Not too much and not too little. Just enough.
I’m part of a program run by Ikea called Live Lagom. It’s all about sustainable living by having just enough to make you happy, not too much so you are cluttered and dare I say it…greedy and not so little that you are living without the things you need to feel cosy, content and at home. It’s about reducing waste, loving our wonderful planet, being respectful to each other and only taking what we need.
As part of this the Live Lagom Southampton group have met a couple of times now, we’ve been treated to delicious fika (which is Swedish for a time to sit and chat with friends over a hot drink and delicious food … possibly my favourite bit so far ?) and learnt how to make draught excluders from spare textiles. Just before Christmas we were allocated some time to do a personal shop. Ikea gave us an allowance to spend on a selection of products to help us with our sustainability at home. It was hard to decide what to buy…Ikea has so many wonderful things! In the end I chose to replace all the light bulbs in the house with led bulbs, some boxes to sort all our shoes and korken storage jars to sort out my food cupboards. It was hard to choose and looking back I probably wouldn’t have chosen the boxes as they don’t really work for what I wanted them for. The light bulbs are great and I’ll be intrigued to see any difference in next year’s electricity bill! My favourite choice for immediate improvement to my home are the Korken glass storage jars…I finally got around to sorting my dried food cupboard yesterday and it’s great to be to see at glance what I have and when I need to buy more bread flour! My next goal is to start meal planning so I buy less each week!
Apologies for the less bouncy than normal post – I needed to get this one written so I can start talking about the rest of the exciting projects I’m working on! I’ll post again soon but in the meantime you can enjoy this photo of my tidy cupboard ?